intent n. 1.意图;目的。 2.意义,含义。 criminal intent 【法律】犯罪意图。 use one's leisure time to good intent 有益地利用空闲时间。 with good [malicious] intent好[恶]意地。 with murderous intent behind one's smiles 笑里藏刀。 with intent to defraud 存心欺诈。 to all intents and purposes 无论从哪一点来看,事实上,实际上 (The revised edition is to all intents and purposes a new book. 修订本简直是本新书。)。 adj. 1.目不转睛的,集中的;热心的。 2.专心致志的,坚决的。 an intent look 凝视。 an intent person 热心的人。 be intent on one's work 一心一意地工作。 adv. -ly ,-ness n.
Are escalated to an exclusive lock on the table , and all other lower - granularity locks , including intent locks , on 上持有的所有锁都将被升级到该表上的排他锁,而
When locking pages , the database engine places an intent lock on the higher level objects containing the pages 当锁定页时,数据库引擎将在包含页的更高级别的对象上放置意向锁。
Intent locks , row locks , and page locks all count toward the escalation count , unless they are temporary table locks 除非属于临时表锁,否则意向锁、行锁和页锁都将计入升级统计中。
When locking rows or index key ranges , the database engine places an intent lock on the pages containing the rows or keys 当锁定行或索引键范围时,数据库引擎将在包含行或键的页上放置意向锁。
When the total of intent locks , row locks and page locks on a specific table exceeds the escalation threshold , escalation occurs 当特定表上意向锁、行锁和页锁的总数超出升级阈值时,就会进行升级。
For example , a shared intent lock is requested at the table level before shared locks are requested on pages or rows within that table 例如,在该表的页或行上请求共享锁( s锁)之前,在表级请求共享意向锁。
The database engine uses intent locks to protect placing a shared lock or exclusive lock on a resource lower in the lock hierarchy 数据库引擎使用意向锁来保护共享锁( s锁)或排他锁( x锁)放置在锁层次结构的底层资源上。
Setting an intent lock at the table level prevents another transaction from subsequently acquiring an exclusive lock on the table containing that page 在表级设置意向锁可防止另一个事务随后在包含那一页的表上获取排他锁( x锁) 。
For example , before a sql server database engine task applies shared or exclusive row locks within a table , it places an intent lock on the table 其他用户可以同时读取数据,但在释放所有共享锁之前,任何事务都不能获取对该数据的排他锁。